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Tales of Old Singapore - Iain Manley
Tales of Old Singapore - Iain Manley
Manufacturer Number: SN10
Stock Status: In Stock
Tales of Old Singapore... by... Iain Manley... New. This isn't exactly a history, but a collection of historical titbits about the island from 3rd century Chinese record of a place called Pu Luo Chung until the establishment of Singapore as an independent state sixteen centuries later. This 170 page book...

Tales of Old Singapore


Iain Manley

This isn't exactly a history, but a collection of historical titbits about the island from 3rd century Chinese record of a place called Pu Luo Chung until the establishment of Singapore as an independent state sixteen centuries later. This 170 page book contains enough black and white and colour illustrations as well as a wealth of facts that will make you want to dip into the book frequently. Unusually, for a generally light hearted book, there is also a six page bibliography to set you searching for more. Very Good Paperback 

Weight: 0.4 kg Post free within Malaysia

Published by Earnshaw Books, Hongkong, 2012. ISBN: 9789881998408

Condition: The cover has minor wear and some dirt on the text block Otherwise the book looks new.

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